what's in your head right now? Rated PG-13 A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. Similar to Things Fall Apart, the film Whale Rider by Niki Caro explores the breakdown of Maori culture in post-colonial New Zealand. match. Pai believes that she could serve as the chief, but her grandfather, despite his love, fiercely opposes this idea. The story takes place in New Zealand where the Maori people of a small village claim descent from the Whale Rider, Paikea. While the movie Whale Rider is set in New Zealand and reflects Mori traditions and culture, it's relatable to kids everywhere. The characters and relationships are rather complex and intricate, they are developing through the film, and the audience makes a journey through heroes lives. Her journey begins when she does not even know anything about becoming leader; she is living a normal life, doing her school work and living with her grandparents. A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. The culture has also become unhealthy for example, when Pai comes home and notices that the women playing cards at the dinner table have been smoking. From then on, Whangara chiefs, always the first-born, always male, have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Available at www.indiewire.com/article/girl_power_new_zealand_ writerdirector_niki_caro_talks_about_whale_ rider. All rights reserved. But, no, her people need her--whether or not her grandfather realizes it. The bull whale remembers his master, the "golden man. Im not a prophet, but I know that our people will keep going forward, all together, with all of our strength. This helps to show that although the tradition was broken when she was born she is willing to be the new change and be the leader Maori has been waiting for. The movie seems headed for the ancient cliche of the auditorium door which opens at the last moment to reveal the person that the child onstage desperately hopes to see--but no, that's not what happens. Both text are similar as they discuss issues of poverty within the indigenous communities along with the longing to discover themselves through discovering their past., The film Whale Rider took me on a whale of an emotional ride. These three well-used techniques are camera shots, lighting and sound and dialogue. The 2003 movie Whale Rider is a wonderful story, aptly described in this IMDB plot summary: A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. Challenge. Another reason why Koro pushes her away is because he believes that everything went wrong when she was born. Create your account, 4 chapters | The Maori, the native Polynesian people of New Zealand, are looking for a male descendant of Paikea the brave leader who escaped death on the back of a whale to lead them and restore the traditions. Pai herself is interested in the leadership, learning traditional songs and dances, but is given little encouragement by her grandfather. Whale Rider (15th Anniversary Edition) [New Blu-ray] Shout Factory Select. Analysis of the Whale Rider The film's plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana ("Pai") [In the book, her name is Kahu, short for Kahutia Te Rangi], a 12-year-old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribe's chiefly succession following the death of her twin brother and mother when she was born. Pai's Opening Voice-Over PAI (narrating): In the old days the land felt a great emptiness that was waiting, waiting to be filled up, waiting for someone to love her, waiting for a leader. Upon accepting Rawiri undergoes a transformation, immediately feeling at one with his ancient tribal heritage: This artefact of tradition has an almost sacramental character and seems to immediately recall him to himself, to remind him of not only who he is but who is called to be. History of Sex in Cinema Filmsite org. Cast: Keisha Castle-Hughes (Paikea), Rawiri Paratene (Koro), Cliff Curtis (Porourangi), Grant Roa (Rawiri).]. account. Porourangi offers to take Paikea with him back to Europe, but as she looks out to sea she feels the pull of her ancestors and cannot abandon her heritage. Whale Rider is the story of a girl, Pai, whose twin brother and mother die in child birth. Fall 2014. Deadline from 3 hours. Unknown to all, she had won an inter-school speech contest with a touching dedication to Koro and the traditions of the village. what's in your head? They added tobacco and corn due to those ideas being popular. Once deep within the ocean, a herd of whales was responding, and when the whales began stranding on the beach, this seemed to be a signal of an apocalyptic end to his tribe. When Koro tries to look for another rope, Pai ties the rope together and starts the engine. At school, she is the most interested in Paikea culture and origins, unlike the other boys. From the beginning, Paikea, or Pai, is a young girl in a mans world. Pathetic Fallacy in Literature Overview & Examples | What is the Pathetic Fallacy? The Whale Rider by Witt Alhambra has many important themes that are represented by several characters in the text such as Koru Farina, who struggles to put aside traditional values and struggles to input moored values. Production Company: South Pacific Pictures, ApolloMedia Distribution, Pandora Filmproduktion. The film connects with universal themes of adolescence, and tackles topics like loss, courage, self-worth, and community. Whale Rider Year: 2002 Director: Niki Caro Rating: PG-13 Communication Concepts: Self-Concept Communication Climate (Disconfirmation) Assertiveness Whale Rider takes place in present day New Zealand, where a 12-year-old girl named Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) is growing up in an all-Maori community. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Issues such as cultural differences and gender equality are presented by the composers through the clever use of devices appropriate to the medium, while using the post-colonial context to accentuate these issues. Porourangi would be next in line but has no interest in returning home. And if that were not bad enough, Paikea ("Pai") lost her father as well. After Pai is hospitalized Koro realizes that Pai is the leader that they have been waiting for and asks for her forgiveness. Eventually the rest of the tribe make their way to the shore, with the beached whales igniting in them a communal strength they believed was forgotten as they work tirelessly to lure the whales back towards the ocean. She struggles to gain the approval of her grandfather and her people. "Whale Rider" arrives in theaters already proven as one of the great audience-grabbers of recent years. Therefore, Whale Rider emphasises the benefits of bicultural cooperation, incorporating what Duncan Petrie (2007: 172) describes as a utopian embrace of common humanity as an alternative strategy of dealing with the trauma of the past. She finished the paper in a timely manner! 1672. In one scene, Hami, the most promising student in Koros school, challenges Pai to a taiahi duel, which Pai eventually wins. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. I highly recommend you use this site! This website helped me pass! The first is of an indigenous girl named Kahu in a New Zealand Maori village who rediscovers the power of her people's belief that their ancestors came to their island on the backs of whales. All People have the same emotions: they upset and cry, they feel happy and laugh. However she finds that she cannot bear to leave the sea as the whale seems to be calling her back, tells her father to turn the car back and returns home. This shows how Koro does not want anything to do with Pai. The entire village trys to drag them back into the water but, where unsuccessful. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. The idea of Journey in these texts is portrayed through obstacles, various poetic and film techniques., A physical journey which involves the movement from one place to another can have lasting effects on an individual or group which can be mental, emotional, physical, or a combination. report, Analysis of the Whale Rider. This technique stresses the notion of even items separated by time being interconnected which makes them part of the oneness of the world. Journeys can be both physical and emotional. The Whale Rider isn't like every other story I've read before. Soon after, there is another mass group of beached whales. Shes only twelve years old. Duncan Petrie, New Zealand, in M. Hjort, D. Petrie (ed), The Cinema of Small Nations, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007. On her journey to become the leader of the tribe, she comes across numerous amounts of challenges from her grandfather, Koro. Antonio Sison, World Cinema, Theology, and the Human: Humanity in Deep Focus, New York, Routledge, 2012. There are several enduring issues, such as the impact of cultural diffusion, or that of imperialism, presented Family is an important concept. When I finished the story I believe that the theme of The Whale Rider was to overcome the odds to achieve the greatness. The main social issue that is brought up by the film is the function of the woman in a world controlled mostly by men. Analysis of the Whale Rider The film's plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana ("Pai") [In the book, her name is Kahu, short for Kahutia Te Rangi], a 12-year-old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribe's chiefly succession following the death of her twin brother and mother when she was born. Despite his love for Pai, his passion to restore the tribe through a firstborn male leader is aggravated by her very presence. However, Pai fixes the rope and the motor runs fine, much to Koros frustration; frustrated that a young girl managed to repair something he couldnt, and for what it symbolises, that a female could become chief and restore the tribe. Eventually, her birthfather, Porourangi, comes back and describes his current situation in life; how he lives in Germany and has a great life with a new woman, who is pregnant. WHAT ISM DID U SEE ILLUSTRATED SEXISM: stereotypical gender roles Women: makes food: Koro utters Women setup dinner are not to smoke: a child says: Women should not smoke has to sit in the back: Koro tells Pai to move from the front row to the back row when they have a meeting in Marae Men: are fighters: boys are traditionally taught to use the taiaha fix things: Koro is not pleased when Pai can fix the motor for the boat boys do not cry: Pai finds Hemi crying and he gets upset and tells her to go away . The film under analysis is called Whale Rider and focuses on the story of the Maori girl Pai who is interested in becoming the leader of her tribe. Journeys motivate the travellers to overcome their specific obstacles and undergo change. In the Paikea tribe, only the first-born son should be the leader of the tribe, which proves difficult for Paikea, since she is a female. Although Koro thinks everything will never be the same he is wrong. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand tribe, believes she is destined to be the new chief. He left for New Zealand to pursue his art career, leaving Pai behind to be raised by her grandparents and aunts. Only Koro had failed to turn up; distant cries had drawn him to the beach where a pod of whales lay dying. While the grandfather is explaining about the ancestors, hes trying to start the engine but the rope breaks. Unable to cope with the loss of his wife and son, Porourangi emigrates to Europe to pursue a career as an artist, turning his back on his Maori heritage and repurposing his traditional carving skills towards a more international and commercial market. James K A Smith, Whos Afraid of Postmodernism? You cannot copy content from our website. I would definitely hire her again! As such, the film does not present a simple rejection of modernity, rather it is the recovery of tradition in modernity, and sometimes against identity, that makes possible the renewal of identity of Paikeas people (Smith 2006: 116). Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. hey you why are you so cruel? It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Study.com. Throughout the novel, Ihimaera juxtaposes the migration of a herd of whales with the Maori tribe's search for a male heir. Her father refuses leadership, and returns to Germany, but Paikea is interested, even though she is a female and it goes against all tradition. Meet Kahu, a young Maori girl, and follow her journey as she contradicts the roles females are expected to play in her culture and develops a relationship with whales. [Country: New Zealand, Germany. In a small New Zealand coastal village, Maori claim descent from Paikea, the Whale Rider. She made a loud sound and the whales dove into the water, as if Kahu was warning them. By Maori tradition, the tribes chief must be a direct descendant of the mythical Paikea, with first-born sons continuing this custom ever since. Hemis father also shows sign of beginning internalized.. Koros teachings of earlier cultural practices, ceremonies and mythologies help to shore up community identity in the present, with the effects of colonialism being implied as possible cause of the tribes present day problems, such as youthful apathy, lack of direction and urban drift (Wilson 2011: 204). Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/analysis-of-the-whale-rider/, Coming Of Age across Cultures in Film: Whale Rider and Rabbit-Proof Fence Analysis, Analysis of the Film Easy Rider Directed by Dennis Hopper, Fox and coyote and whale compare and contrast. Paikea trains in secret, eavesdropping on Koros classes, determined to learn all she can of her ancestral customs. And if that were not bad enough, Paikea (Pai) lost her father as well. Whale Rider is a drama film of the 2002, based on the novel of Witi Ihimaera, and directed by Niki Caro. Koro is heartbroken when he throws his whale bone into the ocean and not one of the boys manages to retrieve it. The film is from New Zealand, though it has many Australian elements, it shows the connection between the land and the native people. Whale Rider, then, brings into question the notion of postcolonial identity within New Zealand, with a renewal of tribal values being presented as the means by which the Maori people learn to adapt to the modern-day demands of urbanisation. When Pai is the only remaining family descendent, Koro becomes aggravated because she is female and will not be able to carry on the tradition of men as leaders. All People have the same emotions: they upset and cry, they feel happy and laugh. The films plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana (Pai)[In the book, her name is Kahu, short for Kahutia Te Rangi], a 12-year-old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribes chiefly succession following the death of her twin brother and mother when she was born. By the uncle being lazy he has gained weight and is not slim like before. Moreover, the plot of Whale Rider follows a single thread and is linear while in the novel, there are multiple flashbacks, especially to Maori myths. Whale Rider shows so many interesting and emotional themes: failure and hope, strength, and determination, all of them are witnessed in the points of past, present, and future ideals. It can mean that one has self-respect, but it can also mean that one is arrogant and has a huge ego. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. For Jimmy and Roxane Henderson, though, it's what they do when their son Jordan plays hoops for Canisius College . It is shown that all people have their depth of sadness, yet in this sadness we can find out what truly connects us with those we love. Koro explains to her about her ancestors and he uses a rope to demonstrate how the strings from the rope represent her ancestors. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! The picture book by Colin Thompson,, Beneath the Clouds, Ivan Sen, Road Movie 2002, shows perceptions of personal discovery. However, Koro was late, and as he was walking to the school, he notices that numerous right whales are beached near Pais home. The Whale Rider tells two stories. This essay has been submitted by a student. Koro had believed that Porourangis first-born was destined to be the boy who would be chief, responsible for leading the community into a new age of prosperity, and he initially refuses to acknowledge his granddaughter. Free delivery for many products! Lyrics to Whalerider Found A Lie: This is another story About how things have changed Everything that i knew Was a lie You turn me upside down You shouldn't cross the line tonight Wish i could turn around And leave it all behind So i broke your heart To look She leaves with her father, but on their way to the airport, she suddenly decides to turn around and return to her grandparents, for she cannot leave them. Another example of how the culture is unhealthy is when Pai goes to her uncle Rawiris house to ask if he can teach her taiaha, the uncle is just lying down being lazy with his wife smoking. Pai is played by Keisha Castle-Hughes, a newcomer of whom it can only be said: This is a movie star. Im not a prophet, but I know that our people will keep going forward, all together, with all of their strength.. 'The Whale Rider' tells the story of a girl destined to be a leader of her people. to help you write a unique paper. They are going there to do whatever is necessary to make sure Japan does not kill any whales as it is illegal to kill whales in this sanctuary in Antarctica. Whale rider scene analysis Introduction Whale Rider follows a little girl named Paikea (whose mother and twin brother died at birth and her father is in Germany) as she tries to find acceptance from her grandfather (Koro), who blames her for "all" their issues and is chastised multiple times by Koro. Sison (2012: 134) proposes that this ending follows a particular theological trajectory, with Paikeas symbolic reincarnation having a transformative impact on the community. Traveling, in basketball, is a player taking too many steps without dribbling. Whale Rider 15th Anniversary Edition . But when Koro walks away, she climbs onto the back of the largest whale and coaxes it to re-enter the ocean. When she returns, her grandfather acts as if nothing has happened, and focuses more on the task at hand, finding somebody to lead the tribe. From this point of view, the film establishes a personal form of communication in the family, despite all cultural, racial, and geographical boundaries. The Maine Lobstermen's Association last September appealed a federal decision on some restrictions, and the case is now being heard in Washington. Koro is bitterly disappointed when Porourangi announces to his family that he already has a pregnant lover in Germany and will not be returning home with the child, putting an end to Koros aspirations. By tradition the heir . In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready In The Whale Rider, Kahu helps to cook and garden with Nanny Flower. The movie, written and directed by Niki Caro, inspired by a novel by Witi Ihimaera, describes these events within the rhythms of daily life. cite it correctly. the boat is called a waka What was the whales name in. The Whale Rider essays are academic essays for citation. This time, while no one is looking, Kahu jumps into the water and talks to the whales. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. The rope proceeds to break when he tests it, which is further indication to Koro that the sacred line of the tribe is broken, that their ancestors have abandoned them in the face of modernity. (1998: 139), this highlights a form of colonial mimicry, whereby the indigenous population adopts the colonisers cultural habits. They initially find this strange in comparison to their modern lives but they gradually become more accustomed to Maori customs, especially the taiahi a ritual fighting stick. Koros eyes, mirrored in these events, portray a great sadness to the films audience. Her grandfather, who is her Herald in a way, condemns her for issues within the tribe. This video fits the requirement for the Whale Rider video analysis of Dr. Ann McClellan's Global Literature class at Plymouth State University. The Maori, the native Polynesian people of New Zealand, are looking for a male descendant of Paikea the brave leader who escaped death on the back of a whale to lead them and restore the traditions. A man who removed a whale fossil from a riverbank at Little Wanganui on the West Coast has apologised for his actions, but the exact fate of the treasured taonga remains unknown. Before man, "in the years that have gone before us, the land and sea felt a great emptiness, a yearning" (8). Looking for a flexible role? When Koro finds out he chastises Paikea, warning her that by tampering with sacred traditions she has shamed her community. They grew crops such as soybeans, apples, sorghum, and millet. The notion of journey is apparent is Beneath Clouds by Ivan Sen, as well as in related texts Stand By Me by Rob Reiner and Bushwalking by Phillip Rush. 197216. Summary amp Characters Study com. She glows. Koro was very upset when Kahu was born because she was a girl, and since then has ignored her, even though she loves him very much and wants his affection. The people from Maori have been waiting for so long that they have lost hope and flight of people. We will write a custom Essay on Face Negotiation Theory in the Film "Whale Rider" specifically for you. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you But he's focused on his duties as chief of the Maori in Whangara, New Zealanda tribe that claims descent from the legendary "whale rider." There are moments when Pai is lost in discouragement and despair, and when her father comes for a visit she almost leaves with him. 'The Whale Rider' tells the story of a girl destined to be a leader of her people. Koros adoption of Western/Pakeha clothing and his noticeable reliance on modern technologies (i.e. The film shows New Zealanders, as an example for the rest of the world, that the past civilizations and cultures can continue to live on in harmony with todays world. Furthermore, such a portrayal of a Maori tribe in their contemporary setting highlights post-colonial ambivalence in New Zealand, indicating that Maoris are not fully opposed to the hybridisation that has occurred during the colonial process. You may use it as a guide or sample for Towards the ending of the film Koro notices numerous whales are beached near the home. After Koro realizes how sacred and special Kahu is, he sees the error of his ways and finally accepts Kahu. Cinematographer: Leon Narbey. Whale Rider is about the current chief, Koro, having to accept that the tradition of the first born males becoming the next chief will have change, and the challenges he has to overcome by letting a female become leader and breaking the tradition and letting a girl be in control. The film ends with the village, including Pais father, uncle, and grandparents, celebrating her status as leader, as the finished waka is hauled into the sea for its maiden voyage. The myth about Paikea says that he was rescued by a whale, after his canoe was lost in the sea. Pai states, My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the whale rider. By categorising different forms of literature into these three options, the meaning of journey can be easily derived and the techniques in which they are constructed can be more fully understood and appreciated. Her father, Porourangi, and Koro convinced Nanny Flowers that this was a good idea. Much to his dismay, none of the boys retrieve the pendant and Koro returns to shore, despondent. He explains to Nanny that his son can have another child. This shows how she has leadership, since the rope represents the ancestors and by her grandfather breaking the rope shows how the culture has been broken apart. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny. Without the author's use of actual time and place, Irving's tale would not have the same force or strength as an American myth. Another theme is Independence because in chapter 15, Kristin Sweetwater finally breaks up with Mike Barbour and actually sticks with the breakup., Every December, a fleet of hungry, evil whaling vessels set sail from Japan to commence their annual hunt on the minke and humpback whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary in the Southern Ocean. An enduring issue is one that many groups across time have attempted to solve with wildly varying degrees of success. Sponsored. 2. For Brief Language and A Momentary Drug Reference, HBOs Rain Dogs Finds Humor, Despair in the Working-Class Mum at its Center, Berlinale Highlights, Part Three: Hummingbirds, Concrete Valley, Afire, The Oneness of All Things: On Sofia Alaouis Animalia, New York International Childrens Film Festival Opens Window to the World. When Pai ties the rope together this shows, how she is a leader shes willing to put the pieces together and fix the culture that has lost hope. This confidence was shattered when all boys failed in his final test of leadership, they have lost Koros closest symbolic representation of his faith: the whales tooth. However, Pai is female and technically cannot inherit the leadership. A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to full fill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize., Whale Rider shows just how important culture and tradition is to some people. All work is written to order. Though she is loved by her grandfather named Koro, who is the Chief of the Maori tribe, she is not accepted as a future leader, and as a person as well. Her koro Apirana believes that this is a role reserved for males only.. For example, Porourangi uses international travel to escape the pain of losing his loved ones, as well as the responsibility to produce a male son that Koro believes will lead his people out of the darkness. The film was a coproduction between New . Would you like to have an original essay? Copyright 2023 service.graduateway.com. In the beginning, the Manchu people were into agriculture. She understood my main topic well and follow the instruction accordingly. This hero is an unlikely one, a small girl, from a small tribe, in a small village in New Zealand. The Piano (1993 Movie): Summary, Analysis, Avatar: Story telling in the tradition of the legend, Analysis of cinematography and mise-en-scene of a short sequence from Alfred Hitchcock's Blackmail, Zemlya / Earth (1930 Movie) - Summary - Analysis. It would have been Pais father or her twin brother if either of them were still around. Irving develops a fable based on truth by setting Rip's story in a village close to the Catskill Mountains and by placing the occasions before and after the American Revolutionary War. The effects and overall impact of a journey will depend on the characteristics of the particular journey undertaken. (2016, Oct 19). No plagiarism, guaranteed! Whale Rider exemplified the Ideology of Patriarchy perfectly because of how Koro ran his tribe. Various types of journeys can be seen clearly in the three texts studied this year: The Happiest Refugee extract, written by Anh Doh in 2010, The Silver Donkey novel by Sonya Hartnett in 2004 and the film Bend It Like Beckham directed by Gurinder Chadha in 2002.